Rav Moshe Tendler spoke last week in Har Nof on the topic of science and halacha. You can download the shiur here.
I hope to review the shiur and provide a useful outline. He addresses issues such as secular education and knowledge, Rav Moshe Feinstein's (his father-in-law) approach to medical issues, the question of the hyrax chewing its cud, dealing with new scientific information.
ReplyDeleteI'm very sorry to post it here (could not find your e-mail - you can remove this comment if you want), but I just wanted to share with you my blog that is dedicated to the Tabernacle (Mishkan), dealing mostly with parashot Terumah - Pekudei.
I think you may find it interesting, particularly the pages dealing with Mishkan corner boards and dimensions of the courtyard.
Here is the link: http://thedeserttabernacle.blogspot.com/
Thank you.
Looking forward to your review!
ReplyDelete• 3:00 Why did we need an exodus from Egypt? Can take the Jews out of Egypt, but cannot get Egypt out of the Jews.
ReplyDelete• 4:30 We need Yedios haShem rather than emunas haShem; we can only pass along knowledge; we must tell our children and grandchildren that we know it and not just believe it.
• This is the reason of the exodus and dwelling in the desert for 40 years.
• It is easy to believe in a creator; believing in a manhig is difficult.
• 7:00 Yeshivas are psychofrenic; in the morning the Rebbi teaches that the professor is a shagetz; the professor teaches that the Rebbi is a dinosaur.
• 8:45 Science, Torah, Emunah share certain axioms; there is no chaos; there is order in the universe; Iyov concluded that the world is chaotic and this is where everything terrible happens; denial of hashgacha pratis
• 9:15 Torah was given to man; relates to man in a way that man can understand; it is a rational world; science tries to understand the world in a rational way;
• 11:00 Netziv said something that modern roshei yeshivah would deem apikorsos; The menorah has 7 arms; we most go to college to be a talmid chacham; i.e. we need secular knowledge; Torah is the 7th arm;
• 12:20 Brain stem death; not one Rav who wrote about it (against it) ever saw a brain dead person; Rav Moshe went with Rav Tendler every motzei shabat to see brain dead people; the modern posek says that he does not need to see a brain dead person; he knows what the gemara says.
• 14:30 Quoting the Gaon;
• 15:50 A wrong psak is akin to false prophecy and carries the death penalty
• 16:20 the Rav gave three halachas
• 18:00 Imagine if the dor hamidbar understood astronomy – would have killed the whole religion
• 19:30 Parashat shmini; need to know how to differentiate between zoological types; part of the ikrei haTorah
to be continued be'h!
Interesting! Thanks for posting. We should discuss offline.
ReplyDeleteSomeone posted a video lecture of Rav Tendler from 20-Jan-2010; This lecture seems to focus exclusively on the brain stem death issue.